Wholelife Nutrition & Dietetics

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Every woman who is trying to conceive or is pregnant should be taking a prenatal supplement.

I recommend starting 3 months before you plan to fall pregnant or as soon as possible. This is to maximise your nutrient stores & because your egg takes 3 months to develop & we want the best DNA in that egg for a strong, healthy baby!

Key nutrients to look for in a prenatal

- Folic Acid (this is the most important one)

- Iron

- Iodine

- Omega-3 (DHA & EPA)

- Calcium

- Choline

- Zinc

- Vitamin D

This is a generic list and will vary for you based on what you eat, medical & family background, how far you are into your pregnancy journey & of course, your blood results.


1. More Doesn't Always Mean Better

Just because there's 63 mg of iron, doesn't mean your body is going to absorb it all-also what form of iron it is in hint: we absorb it best in the form of iron sulphate & bonus point if there's some vitamin C (ascorbic acid)?

2. The Right Dosage

Some nutrients have what we call a U shaped curved effect, which means not enough or having too much can have negative or won't have the health benefits so we have to make sure it has the right dosage. Some nutrients can be toxic at high doses.

3. Nutrient Interactions

Some nutrients fight for the ability to be absorbed eg. calcium & iron. I recommend some supplements to be had a different times of day so you & your baby get the most out of them.

4. They supposed to Supplement Your Diet

If you get enough calcium in your diet, then you don't need one in your prenatal & it may in fact effect how much iron your body absorbs. Also, diet & lifestyle first, then if you aren't getting what you need, you supplement.

5. Good Marketing

Just because it has the best marketing or is the most common, doesn't mean it's the right prenatal for YOU.

6. Stage of Pregnancy

What you need during the first trimester is different to the 2nd & 3rd trimesters so always reassess your supplements as your pregnancy progresses.

Need some help working out the best prenatal supplement regime for you?

Click Here to Book in a Personalised Prenatal Supplement Regime to give your baby a head start in life